[V8] On the end of the V8 because of fuel....

Bastian Homburg b.homburg at web.de
Thu Jun 5 00:04:52 PDT 2008

hmmm. I see where you're heading here.
Up to now, I`ve been using my V8 for the purpose it was intended for - 
as an autobahn cruiser daily driver, with annual mileage varying between 
20,000 and 30,000. To put things in perspective again - fuel in most of 
Western Europe is around $9,30 per gallon right now. (1,5 Euros/liter), 
with premium topping $10 in a lot of places. I currently have a 200-mile 
daily commute across three different countries that's costing me $1,600 
every month in gas bills alone.
And  insane and rising car ownership costs were an important factor in 
deciding where to move to after changing jobs. From next month onward, 
I`m walking to work, and mileage will drop to maybe 5,000 a year or 
less. Current fuel prices have all but destroyed the second-hand market 
for the A8-class of cars - while $200 fillups might not deter those who 
buy/lease those cars new, the definitely are a decisive factor for folks 
like us who used to like nice cars but let the previous owner absorb the 

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