[V8] ABH using lots of fuel!

Bastian Preindl bastian at preindl.net
Mon Jun 9 12:17:22 PDT 2008


a shame that it comes into my mind so late, but you've also two sensor's 
for the intake air: The intake air temperature sensor and the intake air 
flow sensor. Both can cause similar symptoms. I know, this is a 
struggle, but if you say the fault memory is empty, you have no real 
choices left. Well, also worth a trial could be to measure the signal 
lines for the temperature sensor you've just replaced - perhaps you've a 
problem there... the intake air flow sensor usually also causes a very 
unsmooth run of the engine, so I'd start with the intake air temperature 
Another possibility could be the knock sensors, so the intake air 
sensor's are not the last chance... I assume that the timing belt 
setting is correct and double-checked...


Dag Bøsterud schrieb:
> I changed the engine temperature sensor today. There's one in the back of 
> the right cylinder head that sends a signal to the ECU. There was no 
> difference whatsoever. The car runs just as rich. The spark plugs are black, 
> and the old oxygen sensor was all black, not the normal greyish-brownish 
> color you'd expect.
> The engine runs smooth, but very rich... I really don't know what could 
> cause this.

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