[V8] ABH using lots of fuel!

Dave Saad dsaad at icehouse.net
Tue Jun 10 06:22:50 PDT 2008

I had a O2 sensor go bad at a very young age (just a few thousand  
miles) - and it caused very rich running.  You could try to measure  
the output of this sensor to get an idea of what the ECU is trying to  
do, but to properly measure it you really need an oscilloscope.  With  
a good digital volt meter though, you should be able to see if it is  
"stuck" like mine was.

You might also try running with the sensor un-plugged to see if there  
is any change.


On Jun 9, 2008, at 8:18 PM, urq wrote:

> ... what are the coolant and oil temp gauges reading while the car is
> running at constant speed on the freeway?  #344 is running rich  
> too ... and
> on the freeway the temp gauge doesn't make it up to the minimum  
> operating
> mark.  On the way home I put a piece of plastic over the radiator ...
> brought the temp up to the normal range, but still smell raw gas in  
> the
> exhaust.  So, it looks like I've got a thermostat *AND* something  
> else.
> Last time I checked the memory blocks in the ECU I think the  
> reading seemed
> to be about right.  I was considering changing the fuel pressure  
> regulator,
> but then I started wondering about the MAF as well.  I guess there are
> advantages to having two of these beasts ... and an engine in the  
> garage ...
> Steve B
> San José, CA (USA)
> -----Original Message-----
> I'm used to getting 22 - 25 mpg on highway driving. When the car  
> started
> returning 14-15 mpg, I sure will
> start complaining!
> And 9 mpg on the highway? Pardon me for being rude, but there must be
> something wrong with that engine :p
> I'll order a new sensor in the morning. Hope it helps. Maybe the  
> car starts
> using so little, the gas prices drops :D
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