[V8] V8 Maiden Voyage

Roger Woodbury rmwoodbury at roadrunner.com
Mon Jun 16 19:07:25 PDT 2008

Nope. No other symptoms.  Gas and coolant gauges and all others are working

-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Wainwright [mailto:ron_01056 at yahoo.com] 
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 9:30 PM
To: rmwoodbury at roadrunner.com
Cc: v8 at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [V8] V8 Maiden Voyage

Did your gas & coolant gauges stop as well?
 But could be the sensor on the driver side inner
CV/trans flange. Is there any oily crud there ect? 
Could be an instrument cluster problem with the board.
The 3.6's still had instrament cluster issues. My
wife's was possessed & I put a 4.2 board in there...no
issues for round 6months now.


--- Roger Woodbury <rmwoodbury at roadrunner.com> wrote:

> Great trip today.  First long distance trip since
> the timing belt service
> was completed.  It was a fairly good mix of two lane
> and divided highway and
> according to the car's computer, the overall average
> was around 24.5 miles
> per gallon.  Speed was limited to around sixty for
> the most part although
> traffic in closer to Portland was moving quite a lot
> faster.  
> I had forgotten two things about the V8. First of
> all, I had forgotten how
> nice it is to travel in the car, with ample power on
> hand all the time, and
> secondly, how smooth the power is as it comes on.  
> It reminds me that I must get the cruise control
> operating because the car
> will roll faster and faster so easily that it could
> be easy to lose my
> license.  
> One strange thing happened though.  I suddenly lost
> my trip odometer and my
> main odometer.  They just stopped working without
> fanfare or excitement.  I
> just suddenly noticed that I was still looking at
> 276 miles accumulated on
> the tank of fuel, and I knew that I had been well
> above 300 at that point.
> I reset the trip meter and it zeroed, and started to
> run again, and then
> stopped at about 1.5 miles.  There is sits.
> Comments about this?  I suspect this is potentially
> related to the cruise
> control issue via a power supply of some sort.  The
> manual that I have in
> the computer doesn't speak specifically about how
> the odo/trip meter
> actually work.  Any input will be gratefully
> received.
> Otherwise the car appears to be 100%.  
> Great to have a V8 again!
> Roger
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