[V8] V8 Maiden Voyage

Ingo Rautenberg ingo.rautenberg at gmail.com
Tue Jun 17 13:21:04 PDT 2008

Hmm. Me thinks Roger meant both the trip odometer and regular odometer functioned after reset for 1.5 miles. IME they either both work or neither does. 

Ingo Rautenberg

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Saad <dsaad at icehouse.net>

Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2008 13:58:08 
To:V8 Audi Fans <V8 at audifans.com>
Subject: Re: [V8] V8 Maiden Voyage

If you lose ALL of speedo/odo/trip odo/MPG display/CC head speed  
display, you most likely have a bad speed sender in the transmission,  
or a wire/connector problem to it.  Your symptom does not make sense  
though.  The sender would have to be working for the speedo to work,  
and the main odo is mechanically tied to the speedometer and so  
highly unlikely to fail. If you only lost the trip odo, that is  
fairly easy to explain by it not being fully reset - some mechanical  
part got hung up and you fixed it with the reset button.


On Jun 16, 2008, at 6:00 PM, Roger Woodbury wrote:

> Great trip today.  First long distance trip since the timing belt  
> service
> was completed.  It was a fairly good mix of two lane and divided  
> highway and
> according to the car's computer, the overall average was around  
> 24.5 miles
> per gallon.  Speed was limited to around sixty for the most part  
> although
> traffic in closer to Portland was moving quite a lot faster.
> I had forgotten two things about the V8. First of all, I had  
> forgotten how
> nice it is to travel in the car, with ample power on hand all the  
> time, and
> secondly, how smooth the power is as it comes on.
> It reminds me that I must get the cruise control operating because  
> the car
> will roll faster and faster so easily that it could be easy to lose my
> license.
> One strange thing happened though.  I suddenly lost my trip  
> odometer and my
> main odometer.  They just stopped working without fanfare or  
> excitement.  I
> just suddenly noticed that I was still looking at 276 miles  
> accumulated on
> the tank of fuel, and I knew that I had been well above 300 at that  
> point.
> I reset the trip meter and it zeroed, and started to run again, and  
> then
> stopped at about 1.5 miles.  There is sits.
> Comments about this?  I suspect this is potentially related to the  
> cruise
> control issue via a power supply of some sort.  The manual that I  
> have in
> the computer doesn't speak specifically about how the odo/trip meter
> actually work.  Any input will be gratefully received.
> Otherwise the car appears to be 100%.
> Great to have a V8 again!
> Roger
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