[V8] 91 Avant driver's window disappears into door all by itself

joel driver suprasman01 at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 28 00:07:39 PDT 2008

Ed, sorry to hear about all the mis-fortune,  sounds like a busy weekend. 
Is it possible that the o-ring got warm and compressed more, then upon heat cycles and pressure the cap worked itself loose. I know I've had o-rings do that to me, like as tight as you want to push it initially, then it is loose after 3-4 heat cycles. 

other than that I got nuthin'.... but best wishes. 


Ed Kellock <ed.kellock at msn.com> wrote: After GF returned home this afternoon with Pentosin gushing from the
headlight of the 90 V8, we decided to take the 91 Avant to dinner.  When I
opened the door, the previously closed window disappeared into the door
all by itself.  It is no longer connected mechanicaly to anything inside.
I've read about this, but never had the pleasure in person.  Nasty repair?

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