[V8] 93 v8 tranny Manual mode

Bastian Homburg b.homburg at web.de
Sat Jun 28 00:56:23 PDT 2008

The economy of this is indeed, well, minimal (you will feel an effect in 
sustained city driving, though). But it doesn`t hurt, either. There`s no 
negative effects at all. Even in this mode, the shift points are 
controlled by the ECU.

Ed Kellock wrote:
> So lately, I've taken to switching to M and letting the trans shift up as
> early as it wants to in an effort to maybe save some gas.
> I realize the economy of this may be negligible.
> I wonder if there might be any negative affect of doing this on a regular
> basis.  When I do this, I'm not working on acceleration times.
> Just curious.

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