[V8] 93 v8 tranny Manual mode

Bastian Homburg b.homburg at web.de
Sat Jun 28 09:39:48 PDT 2008

when you put the selector switch in "M" and the lever in "D" or "3", the 
car will cycle through 1st and 2nd and shift into 3rd a LOT sooner than 
in "E". It`s been a long time sice I`ve done that, but if I remember 
correctly, upshifts happened at maybe 1200 rpm in this mode. When 
accelerating away from lights in city driving, this *will* have a 
positive effect on fuel economy.

And you`re right about the tires. On my car, there is a fuel economy 
difference of about .3 mpg between the 215/60/15 size and the 225/50/16 
(I have two sets of stock BBS wheels, one in 15" and one in 16" and use 
identical Dunlop 9000 tires on both).

qshipq at aol.com wrote:
> E is for economy.  I find on my 92 (with chip) that a really light 
> foot in E mode gets significantly better mileage around town (if baby 
> I can see almost 20, foot to the floor 13-14), and cruise control with 
> hill assist with the right foot at the bottom of the hills to help 
> feather the uphill accel yields the best results on the highway.  The 
> absolute biggest difference in gas mileage on a v8 IMO, is the weight 
> of the wheels and tires.  Going from the 15 BBS lightweights with 
> stock tires, to 17x8 and 255/40 really grabs you in the wallet on a v8 
> (2 city, 1.5 hwy IME)

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