[V8] March Madness

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Fri Mar 7 12:35:21 PST 2008

At least you get a Permanent Fund Dividend every year, those that live in
other oil producing states get squat.  What did you Alaskans get this
year, around $1700?  That's a lot of free dino juice, even at $3.50 a
gallon.  I remember one study which showed that if the State government
didn't take a lions share of the dividend (it wants it all..what a
surprise) you guys would get around $18k each a year.
To me the V8Q is one of those cars that's worth whatever it costs.  I
travel a bit and have paid $5 + a gallon for gas overseas when it was
around a buck here, you get jaded I guess.  
In an old 60 Minutes report on the Countach Patrich where automotive
journalist David E. Davis, Jr. paraphrases an Ernest Hemingway quote
"Pheasant hunting is worth whatever you have to pay to do it."  He was
using it in reference to 12 cylinder ubber cars, but I think it applies
here too.

This site has a pretty nice graphic of US gas prices: 

Although I think someone should inform them that Alaska and Hawaii were
made states recently. ;-)

Developer: Someone who wants to build a house in the woods.
Ecologist: Someone who has already built his house in the woods.
"Bill Hitzler" <bhitzler at kpbsd.k12.ak.us> writes:
> I'm up in Alaska about 30 miles from one of the refineries. The 
> current rip for 87 octane is $3.49 a gallon. Now you'll know to give 
> absolutely no credibility to people that tell us we need to open up
> (arctic national wildlife reserve) for oil drilling to ease our rising
> prices. Bill

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