Scott Simmons indischrot at gmail.com
Sat Mar 22 23:32:48 PDT 2008

I wanted to let you know htat my trip computer sometimes acts funky.  It 
will sometimes provide me with false "miles to empty" predictions.

I generally leave it on "current mpg."  With the occasional glance to 
"average mpg" and "average speed."  The rest hardly ever get viewed.

~Scott S.

Leo wrote:

>I am starting next week the process of fixing the things wrong thanks to
>your replied info and guidance.
>When fixing the IC I would like to adjust the gauge for the Fuel and I
>cannot find the article with the description of the process, does anybody
>have it?
>Also, I think is called the "miles to empty" function on the trip computer
>it works but doesn't stop, and when the tank is almost empty it jumps a
>reading of almost 700 or 1100 "miles to empty" and starts dropping (by 5
>miles every  5 or 10 seconds) until it reaches a more normal showing after a
>Has anybody been through this?
>Again, thanks to all
>1990 V8 in Buenos Aires
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