[V8] What's the value of a catalytic converter?

Dag Bøsterud dag.boesterud at consulgranada.net
Fri Mar 28 09:55:43 PDT 2008

You say that state laws requires you to check the lumen output of the 
headlamps, right?
Is this specified to a certain lumen output, or a minium lumen output?

92 V8 4.2
202 000 miles

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Roger Woodbury" <rmwoodbury at roadrunner.com>
To: <cobram at juno.com>
Cc: <v8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 2:42 PM
Subject: Re: [V8] What's the value of a catalytic converter?

> Well, I have asked a bunch of other questions and also have requested a
> bunch of other pictures.  The pictures of the car look really good, 
> although
> there are some serious limitations for me to consider.  Accordingly, I am
> following the eBay auction but will not bid.  IF the car doesn't sell, and 
> I
> can see more detailed pictures, then I might be interested.  Here are the
> most obvious issues that I have with the car, as it presently is 
> presented.
> First of all, the complete exhaust system must be replaced.  For me that
> means my wrench will get to do that job, and since I replaced the exhaust 
> of
> the old Black Mariah, I know what my most reliable options are.  It will
> blow a hole in at least fifteen hundred bucks, and perhaps two grand by 
> the
> time I get it done.  I have neither space nor time to put the car on 
> stands
> and crawl underneath, so the options are few.  The dealer will be, oh, I
> don't even want to think about that.  The state is getting very serious
> about all this stuff, and requires the lumen output of headlamps be 
> checked.
> However, very few shops outside of the larger dealers have the equipment 
> to
> check this, so for a while anyway, Euro headlamps skate through.  This 
> won't
> last forever, I imagine.
> Second, the windows are tinted 25% and that might have to come off.  Maine
> law prohibits other than factory tint, and although mild tinting, say ten
> percent in the side and rear windows is so close that most shops won't
> notice, 25% is probably going to mean the windows will have to cleaned 
> off.
> This will quite probably destroy the rear window defogger, which really
> devalues the car for winter use, as until you haven't had one here, you
> can't imagine how useful it can be from September through May.
> As I said, the car looks great in the pictures.  But if you look at the
> pictures and not be blinded by the sparkle of the car, its obvious that 
> the
> pics were taken at least nine months or so ago.  Unknown:  I realize that
> Maine is pretty backward considering New York, but not even New York has
> leaves out on the trees and green grass now.  So, we have a complete pig 
> in
> a poke.
> I have told the owner that I am going to watch the auction and may have
> interest if the car doesn't sell on eBay.
> Meanwhile, I am trying to stalk a V8...
> Roger
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cobram at juno.com [mailto:cobram at juno.com]
> Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 11:16 PM
> To: rmwoodbury at roadrunner.com
> Cc: v8 at audifans.com
> Subject: Re: [V8] What's the value of a catalytic converter?
> "Roger Woodbury" <rmwoodbury at roadrunner.com> writes:
>> BUT I have think I have discovered why the car is for sale, and it
>> probably
>> is the best reason to NOT get involved.  There is NO catalytic
>> converter in
>> the car.
> So?  Put in a hollowed out "converter", it's only a visual inspection.
> Even in my state, where you MUST pass emissions tests, I have had
> hollowed out cats for the last decade and a half or so.  On the old 5KS,
> I only passed emissions after gutting the kitty.  Go figure.
> One free flow under a buck after market cat and you're done.  I don't see
> a problem, maybe a good opportunity to pick up a 20V cheap?  This isn't a
> deal breaker in my book.
> The dealer price, thanks for the chuckle Roger!  ;-O
> http://www.geocities.com/cobramsri/
> Developer: Someone who wants to build a house in the woods.
> Ecologist: Someone who has already built his house in the woods.
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