[V8] Foiled again!

Coleman, David David.Coleman at blackrock.com
Sun Mar 30 18:17:26 PDT 2008


----- Original Message -----
From: v8-bounces at audifans.com <v8-bounces at audifans.com>
To: Scott Simmons <indischrot at gmail.com>; Kent McLean <kentmclean at comcast.net>
Cc: V8 at audifans.com <V8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Sat Mar 29 15:33:47 2008
Subject: Re: [V8] Foiled again!

>>The perfect car isn't out there. Even when new, they weren't perfect.
>>The question is, can you find one good enough for you?  The search
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> in the car world and in other realms.

Isn't that the truth! They sucker you in, get you hooked, then you find out 
the truth.

Oh, we were talking about cars, weren't we ;-)


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