[V8] Haderzzzzzzzzzzz
Ron Wainwright
ron_01056 at yahoo.com
Thu May 1 18:46:54 PDT 2008
More info will forthcoming.
--- too many quattros <thequattroking at yahoo.com>
> guys- i totally get it. on that note, IS THIS GOING
> TO BE FOR REAL? if so,
> how much. I am just weeks away from finishing my
> coupe turbo and intend on
> finishing the V8. I have much less to do on the V8
> then i did a over a year
> ago when i started the coupe so i plan to get it
> done fast. IOW, if this
> header thing is just a pipe dream that won't happen
> until middle of next
> year, the i am probably not interested...at least
> not now. but if it is
> something that could happen before AUG, YES, i would
> be VERY interested. I
> hope by end of june to have the heads under FULL
> build up similar to what
> ron was talking about last couple of years. 4.2 is
> on the stand, and
> waiting rip apart.
> i love and hate my cars.
> p.s. my motor is an ABZ
> Shayne
> PARTING: 1972 Mercedes Benz 280 SE 4.5
> PARTING: 1986 Audi 4000 CS quattro
> > From: Sean cole <v8coupe at gmail.com>
> > Date: Thu, 1 May 2008 01:41:59 -0500
> > To: <v8 at audifans.com>
> > Subject: Re: [V8] Haderzzzzzzzzzzz
> >
> > Why?
> >
> > Because we want more then the lame stock shit.
> Why do guys put coil overs
> > or H&R springs on these cars, for something
> better.
> >
> > I have a very cool very different motor which was
> gotten from this list,
> > thanks again PASHA. The 4.2L is amazing it pulls
> hard and just wants more,
> > but it losses steam right where it should not.
> The reason is because of the
> > stupid headers and restrictive intake. The DTM
> cars had huge power in 92
> > tipping the scales at 470HP out of the 3.6L. That
> is 130.6HP/L which on a
> > 4.2L would yield 550Hp so you can only guess that
> the headers and intake do
> > something. Am I saying these are the solve all
> solution for everyone? NO.
> > Most of you on here are fine with what you have,
> Ron and myself however are
> > crazy. Sorry Ron, it's as plan as it can be.
> The stock headers are not
> > even that great, yes they are better then a cast
> log manifold, but they lack
> > 2.5" collectors which is what the rest of the
> system is (size wise) and the
> > headers are super thick wall steel that isn't
> coated (granted it's some form
> > of chrome steel as it resists rust quite well, and
> welds really nicely).
> >
> > The headers I have designed are loosely based on
> the DTM headers, but since
> > there is no way from the few pictures I have to
> figure out exact lengths
> > these will have to do. I have them equal length
> with a tuned length of 26"
> > that would put the headers working in the 4500-6k
> range verse the stocks
> > 3-5k range. I'm not saying for what they are the
> stock headers are bad, but
> > these are just BETTER! The tubing is 1.75" since
> these are going to be
> > installed on a 4.2L with ported heads, and most
> likely cams. The down pipes
> > into the x-over pipe is 3" which might seem large,
> but reducing down to 2.5"
> > with the 4 1.75" runners is just to sharp of a
> collector angle since the
> > collector is only 2" long. The Down pipes run
> straight down from the back
> > of the motor, by the distributor and exit just aft
> of the front subframe and
> > just in front of the cv joints. Space is limited
> in these cars and these
> > headers are not going to be something every one
> wants, and frankly few need.
> >
> > The goal was to build something better for a
> limited few who are building
> > really powerful motors. Now at this point the
> only people I know that were
> > even interested were Me (DUH I designed these),
> Ron (brain child and picture
> > supplier), and Mark W. That is all so far, and
> all 3 of us have 4.2L
> > engines, and will have cams and port work (Well
> Ron will I assume, and I'm
> > still working on funding for my cams).
> >
> > Thought I should chime in,
> > Sean
> > 90/92 v8q smelting pot project.
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