[V8] Tuned by Jager

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at yahoo.com
Mon May 5 15:02:12 PDT 2008

I beg to differ on the weight of those BBs. Rims alone
are like 16'ish lbs. No way a tire with air makes up
the difference.

 & I've been know as a rim blanger as well. But no
body knows rim blang like Bob B's kid does with those
20's he had on his....I'm only comfy running 18's.
19's are to big for me.
 & what size tire you running on those 19's?


--- Paul Jager <pjager at telus.net> wrote:

> 15" OEM spoke BBS with Coopers = 42 lbs
> 19" BEAST with T1R's 58 lbs
> If it wasn't a blang thang, I have 7 spoke 16" OEM
> Ronal's that are a better
> wheel.
> Brakes are bit spongy.
> Subject: Re: [V8] Tuned by Jager
> Looks good. How heavy? Probably in need of bigger
> brakes with that setup.
> Ingo Rautenberg
> Subject: Re: [V8] Tuned by Jager
> The V8 was kinda beat up from a tough winter so I
> did a little spring
> cleaning project.
> http://www.jageng.com/garage9/images/audiv8_08.jpg
> Added these BEAST 19" black chrome wheels with Toyo
> T1R's.
> They are heavy & the finish isn't very durable - I
> wouldn't recommend them.
> New rear calipers.
> Cut polish (still orig paint, 200,000K on the '93)
> A few rust spots about the rear bumper need to be
> touched up.
> Trunk & interior clean-up
> Paint touchup
> Body lube & clean with clean/silicone all rubber
> seals
> Got a trunk leak so my spare well was 1/4 full of
> water. Any ideas as to
> where this may be from? Tailights?
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