[V8] Report from the Front: no surprises

Scott Simmons indischrot at gmail.com
Wed May 7 20:52:35 PDT 2008

Speaking of which.......

    I found some bitchin' nice fasteners at the local Ace Hardware.  
Basically something like this:

    They were the right size to fit nicely onto the plug-covers and 
still look like they could have been OE.  Unfortunately, the male stud 
sticking out was only offered in #10.  No metric availability.

    Is there a place where I could order odd-ball hardware stuff online, 
and get it in Metric sizes?

~Scott S.

Coleman, David wrote:

>Yeah, those and the valve cover trim fasteners. 
>----- Original Message -----
>From: v8-bounces at audifans.com <v8-bounces at audifans.com>
>To: rmwoodbury at roadrunner.com <rmwoodbury at roadrunner.com>
>Cc: v8 at audifans.com <v8 at audifans.com>
>Sent: Wed May 07 21:41:27 2008
>Subject: Re: [V8] Report from the Front:  no surprises
> "Roger Woodbury" <rmwoodbury at roadrunner.com> writes:
>>worth the effort.  Obvious moral to the story to begin with, is 
>>NEVER, and I
>>mean NEVER buy one of these cars that has lived extensively above 
>>the rust
>>belt...IE:  New England or upstate New York....
>Not my experience at all with Audi's, and specifically the type 44. 
>These cars almost NEVER go to the bone yard because of body or rust
>issues.  When there is a rust issue, it's because of previous body work
>most of the time.  Quattro is the 2nd compelling reason to own an older
>Audi, #1 (for those like me who hate bodywork) has always been the
>galvanized panels and the high quality of all fasteners.  Well, maybe
>almost all, with the biggest exception being the two screws that hold on
>the TPS.  
>Have to remember that there's a lot of coast line out there, all of it
>bordering very salty water.  Aside from a garage queen owned by the guy
>next door, you can never be sure.
>After sorting every little thing like you did on the wagon and driving
>for a while, should you decide to sell I will make an insulting offer and
>quote the above as the reason it ain't worth squat. ;-p
>FWIW - I've never had ONE issue with the V8Q or any of the rest of the
>fleet which was salt belt related.  If this wasn't the case, I would have
>been rings decades ago.
>"In my many years I have come to a conclusion
>that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm, 
>and three or more is a congress."
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