[V8] V8 wanting to stall

Dag Bøsterud dag.boesterud at consulgranada.net
Fri May 9 13:59:04 PDT 2008

My V8 - with only 202 000 miles on the clock - have had a little overhaul.
We've changed the head gaskets, the heads were delivered to a machine shop for refurbishment,
the converter seal on the transmission were changed along with lots of other seals and gaskets.

...startet it up a few days ago, runs fine when cold, but..
When hot and at idle and I press the accelerator just a bit, the car nearly stalls.
If hot, at idle and I press the accelerator more than "a bit" or full throttle, the car acts normal.

The car seems fine to drive, no hesitation whatsoever.

Lambda-sensor? Intake air temperature sensor? Any other sensor..? :p
Vacuum leak?

92 V8 4.2
202 000 miles - and not leaking any more :D

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