[V8] Engine Trim -- end result

Scott Simmons indischrot at gmail.com
Fri May 23 16:23:37 PDT 2008

Well, it took me almost a month, but I found something to work.


The AW post has a picture of it.

Took your average 6mm allen-head bolt, and used a "cap" from Ace 
(Westlake) Hardware.  The cap is designed for 1/4" allen-head bolts and 
thus is a little small (1mm or so).  So some gentle work with a pocket 
knife and 50 grit (not a lot was needed) and then a bit of pressure from 
two pairs of pliers pulled the cap onto the allen head bolt.

The semi-flat sheen of the cap matches the '32 valves' cover perfectly.  
They do stick up a bit, but that just facilitates installation and 
removal by hand, no tools needed.  Wish I could find some black washers, 
but apparently nobody in my town has any.

~Scott S.

>On Apr 16, 2008, at 11:56 AM, Scott Simmons wrote:
>>All of the original screws for the spark-plug-wire covers have broken.
>>Dealership prices them at $15, each. Anyone have any home-made ideas
>>for tasteful looking bolts to replace them? I just have some metric
>>bolts and washers but am thinking of maybe some black allen-head 
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