[V8] PRND12 or IGN

D Morralee superdaveski at hotmail.com
Mon May 26 06:26:09 PDT 2008

1993 V8 4.2
I finally got the V8 out of the garage yesterday after the car was stored all winter. After running it around the block a couple times everything seemed to be fine, so I just parked it . An hour later when I went to move it wouldn't start . I turned the IGN on and the starter didn't spin. Now this has happened before once or twice a few years ago where it would do the same thing. All I would do is turn the ignition on and cycle though the gear level from PNRD ( making sure the gear shift knob was clicked up when in park ) Placing it in Park it would start . Am I just fooling myself into thinking that it is a gear level position problem or is it just the IGN switch that is causing my problem ? 
what are your thoughts ?
thanks superdave / Ottawa

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