[V8] Bose amp repair

Jason Bass rasrunnit at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 6 09:12:42 PST 2008

The parts I ordered from Mouser Electronics:

4    Nichicon UVZ series 105 degree Ra
      25v  1000uF  10x20
      Mouser part number: 647-UVZ1E102MPH

4   Nichicon UVZ series 105 degree Ra
     25v  47uF      5x11
     Mouser part number: 647-UVZ1E470MDH

10   Nichicon UVZ series 105 degree Ra
       50v  10uF   5x11
       Mouser part number: 647-UVZ1H100MDH

 I just melted the solder, pulled out the old capacitors and replaced them with the new. 
 Worked like a charm for me.
 Some cars qualify for the factory recall so you might be able  to make Audi replace them    for you.


--- On Wed, 11/5/08, FreddyP <FreddyP24 at verizon.net> wrote:
From: FreddyP <FreddyP24 at verizon.net>
Subject: Re: [V8] Bose amp repair
To: V8 at audifans.com
Date: Wednesday, November 5, 2008, 4:31 PM

As a refresher, can you post the parts list?  Mine are singing a song on all
four corners now!


-----Original Message-----

It's the same list.

-----Original Message-----


Just wondering if anyone has a parts list for replacement capacitors for
the front Bose speaker amps.
About six years ago someone on this list provided the needed parts list
for the rear speakers and suggested
ordering them from Mouser Electronics. The price was only $11.34. I
successfully soldered in the new caps and the speakers
have worked great ever since. Fixed the whine noise and hopefully
eliminated the fire hazard.
Now my front speakers are making noise and I would love to do the same
treatment to them.

I still have the parts list for the rears if anybody needs it.

-Jason Bass

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