[V8] Subject: heater core?

Mike Arman Armanmik at earthlink.net
Wed Nov 12 07:48:18 PST 2008

> "Roger Woodbury" <rmwoodbury at roadrunner.com>
> Subject: [V8] heater core?

Sheesh, you guys are too fast for me - the digest arrives and in five seconds there are four 
identical answers to the problem . . .

Well now there are five - defrost door is stuck, return spring is broken, or mount for return spring 
is broken off.

I think Audi has an official repair kit for this - on my 5K, I used a length of the perforated flat 
steel that you use on the back of car radios, made a new spring perch, hooked the spring to it and 
(exact same) problem solved.

Cost $0.00 and some skinned knuckles - access is difficult and the fins on the heater core are sharp.

Cody Forbes has the 5K these days, I think he's parting it out (sob).

Best Regards,

Mike Arman

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