[V8] Urgent....fuel flap release

Ingo Rautenberg ingo.rautenberg at gmail.com
Mon Oct 6 12:38:17 PDT 2008

Hmm.  Access panel is in the trunk iirc.  Does the door lock switch  
work in the driver's door (inside door panel)?  If so, just push that  
one to open and it'll unlock all the doors and release the gas door,  
too.  Otherwise, it appears you need to go in through the trunk.



On Oct 6, 2008, at 3:19 PM, toml99 at todomundo.com wrote:

> Hey, well I just realized yet another difference between my '90 and
> the 93.....been trying to run all the old fuel out of the car and I
> just went to the gas station and realized that it's got a remote fuel
> flap release....having not found the "lever"....looked on a list of
> factory options and it says "electric".....since the remote door
> locks aren't working(and it's not the fuse) I've paid no attention.
> Are they connected?...Is there a way to jumper something to get it to
> open?  I started to remove the panel in the trunk to get a better
> look, but I tore a muscle in my back @ work yesterday and veto'd
> that.  On Empty with a prybar in hand....Sincerely Tom
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