[V8] V8Q Transmission Shifting Issue

Jason Wilkerson wilke_jb at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 20 16:21:59 PDT 2008

Definately agree, 
  I replaced my tranny awhile back.  Got the throttle cable out of adj. - caused the tps to not
see when the throttle was closed - check the adjustment according to the manual.  Good luck.

--- urq <urq at pacbell.net> wrote:

> I don't have a lot of BTDT with the automatics, but since you just dropped a
> new engine in I'd suspect there's some sort of flaky connection which is
> causing the problem.  The TCU gets information from the TPS (I'm pretty sure
> it does) ... could there be a connection which has been missed?  Do all the
> lights on the PRNDL display light up?  Have you tried reading and clearing
> codes from the TCU?  
> There are some troubleshooting flow charts in the service manual ... you may
> want to refer to them to help get to the bottom of the problem.  
> Good luck!
> Steve Buchholz
> San José, CA (USA)
> -----Original Message-----
> I just had another engine put into my 1990 and now the transmission that
> worked flawless before is now having issues.  Here are the symptoms:
> -It's acting kind of like it's in limp mode but the display isn't lit up
> like a 'normal' limp mode.
> -When first starting out, the shift to 2nd is very noticeable.
> -It will shift into 3rd fine, I don't think it ever shifts into 4th.
> -It won't downshift, even from a dead stop.  If I want to start out in 1st,
> I have to turn the car off and start it up again.
> -The gear shift position does seem to do anything in regard to the forward
> gears.
> -The Manual, Sport, Economy selector doesn't work (it used to).
> Is my TCU fried?
> I just figured I'd get some input for when I take it back to my mechanic
> friend (he's a retired Audi mechanic but He appears to be a little stumped).
> Thanks,
> Steve
> Bellevue, WA
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