[V8] New experience...not welcome, either.

Ed Kellock ekellock at gmail.com
Thu Sep 25 10:32:27 PDT 2008

I have one that is rattling on my 96k mile 93 V8.  A local independent
muffler shop said $300.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: v8-bounces at audifans.com 
> [mailto:v8-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Roger Woodbury
> Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 11:27 AM
> To: v8 at audifans.com
> Subject: [V8] New experience...not welcome, either.
> We've been experiencing an increasing amount of drivability 
> issues with my wife's 100CS Avant.  The symptoms were loss of 
> power, reluctance to downshift and general malaise.  
> The first time it was reported to me I found the floor mat 
> all coiled up underneath the accelerator, and putting the mat 
> back where it should have been corrected the problem.  
> Then it began to happen again, and finally happened when I 
> was driving the car.
> The diagnosis is a plugged catalytic converter.  That is the 
> first time that I have had a converter go bad on any car.  
> The car has in excess of 135,000 miles to date, all but the 
> first 39,000 miles are ours.  
> I am braced for the estimate, which will include finding out 
> why the airbag light is on, and I am not looking forward to 
> THAT diagnosis either.  So we have so far today, the 
> catalytic converter, an upper rear control arm, an oil leak 
> in the front, which may be the valve cover gaskets, and the 
> mysterious airbag issue, which is either a wire broken or the 
> airbag controller itself.  Also the switch on the top of the 
> transmission that controls the backup lights is out, and the 
> Audi part new is $400...we will NOT be buying a new Audi part 
> for that, of course.
> Anyone on this list done catalytic converters before?  OUCH!
> Roger
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