[V8] quick, Euro lenses?

Scott DeWitt sdewitt at stx.rr.com
Thu Apr 30 12:32:49 PDT 2009


LHD lenses are no longer available though Bosch or Volkswagen AG. 

I purchased the last sets of Vlokswagen AG LHD euro lense Stock as part of the group buy I did at the beginning of the year.

RHD lenses and Japanese lenses are still available in small quantities.

---- Seamus O'Carey <cheshirecatsbox at gmail.com> wrote: 
> So I ordered a pair of Euros for my V8, but they just arrived and were
> clearly broken.  I could hear chunks of glass rattling around inside the box
> so I had to refuse the shipment (which can only be done if you don't open
> the package).
> The shipper of course is not too happy, so I told him if he sent me a refund
> right away I'd go track down the package and have them deliver it to me
> anyway so I could assess the damage and see if there's still anything
> useful.  The question is: if the housing are still good, does anyone know
> where I can find some lenses?  It's not really worth having them deliver
> good housings if lenses won't be available.
> Please respond quickly, since this has to happen soon if it's going to
> happen at all.
> Seamus
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