[V8] cd shop manual

John Gourley azaudi at gmail.com
Wed Aug 12 10:51:24 PDT 2009

I have an aftermarket V8 quattro shop manual on CD format.  In the engine
category, there is a note............."There is no repair work to be
performed in Repair Group 13, Crankshaft Group"

Because the CD I have appears to have been copied from a factory paper shop
manual, I assume the same note is in the paper manual for group 13?    If
this is the case, did Audi assume the V8 engine would NEVER need any repair
work inside the block?  Doesn't make sense to me!

Are there other sources that have info that would be in group 13?    At this
early stage of trying to decide what to do, I am mostly looking for engine
rebuild specs such as crankshaft main and rod bearing journal diameters and
piston and ring specs.  Maybe I should ask another question, are bearings
and rings/pistons even available for the engine?

I picked up a 1990 V8 quattro a couple years ago, and it was pushed to the
back burner because of too many other projects


John Gourley

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