[V8] flash of death

urq urq at pacbell.net
Mon Aug 24 08:15:26 PDT 2009

I suspect you may have misunderstood what your service provider told you ...
on the V8Q there is no connection between the vehicle speed sensor and the
engine control system that would lead to the engine dying.  There is an
*engine* speed sensor which senses the teeth on the flywheel, when this
sensor fails the engine will die.  This is not an unusual failure on the PT
and ABH engines.  In fact I assisted with troubleshooting and repair of a
similar issue on an urquattro which had an ABZ V8 engine installed.  I
suspect in this final case the person who installed the engine speed sensor
left off a heat shield that was likely present on the donor car.  

I'm not very familiar with the connection between the automatic tranny
controller and the vehicle speed sensor, there's no question there is a
connection there ... and to bringing the subject back to the original topic,
failure of the VSS might cause an issue in the automatic transmission that
might cause you to be left at the side of the road (although I'd expect the
tranny would go into "limp home" mode).  

Steve Buchholz

-----Original Message-----

" What car is this? The V8Q does no such thing, neither do any of the
> other type 44's I know of. " 


well this is not true . ( no disrespect to your comment ) Over the last two
years I had this type of failure on my 93V84.s after 15-20 mins of driving .
The car would just go dead, but always had no problem restarting. The cause
was the Speedo Transmitter in the Transmission . This made the speedometer
go all wonky and then the car would just quit . It took a long time to
figuar out that the Speedo Transmitter could get heat soaked and fail . Why
did it take two years to figuar out ... because this is a rare problem .
fwiw. cheers superdave 
> What car is this? The V8Q does no such thing, neither do any of the
> other type 44's I know of.
> http://www.geocities.com/cobramsri/
> Most conversations are simply monologues delivered in the presence of
> witnesses.
> <chance9121 at gmail.com> writes:
> > Wow, its a temperature related shutdown... Just like with our cars! 
> > How fun!.
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