[V8] flash of death
Bastian Homburg
b.homburg at web.de
Tue Aug 25 09:43:10 PDT 2009
no speed governor here. 'My 94 4.2 has a GPS-verified Vmax of 159 mph
that gets used pretty often, too.
cobram at juno.com wrote:
> After an e-mail from superdave, I recalled that unlike the earlier cars,
> the later 4.2's had a speed limiter that cut out around 130MPH. If it
> works like the ur-S cars, then the speed signal could cause the ECU to
> interrupt the ground to the fuel pump relay if it gets the speed limiter
> signal, killing the fuel supply to the engine. IIRC the way to get
> around the speed limiter in the ur-S cars was to snip the speed signal
> wire from the ECU.
> Can anyone with a later V8Q verify if this is applies?
> http://www.geocities.com/cobramsri/
> Most conversations are simply monologues delivered in the presence of
> witnesses.
>> D Morralee <superdaveski at hotmail.com> writes:
>> Over the
>> last two years I had this type of failure
>>> on my 93V84.s after 15-20 mins of driving . The car would just go
>> dead, but always had no problem
>>> restarting. The cause was the Speedo Transmitter in the
>> Transmission . This made the speedometer go
>>> all wonky and then the car would just quit . It took a long time to
>> figuar out that the Speedo Transmitter
>>> could get heat soaked and fail . Why did it take two years to
>> figuar out ... because this is a rare problem .
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