[V8] Jared?

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Wed Aug 26 10:58:00 PDT 2009

If the sandwich wasn't any good, just go to Quiznos next time.

There was a Jared "E" on here a few years ago asking about the best way
to hack and cobble a V8Q to keep it on the road long enough to sell.

Most conversations are simply monologues delivered in the presence of
"Seamus O'Carey" <cheshirecatsbox at gmail.com> writes:
> Is there a V8 owner named Jared on here?  If anyone knows him, or 
> happens to
> run into him, please hit him with a tire iron for me.  You can use a 
> 2x4 or
> baseball bat if you want, but I'm pretty sure you'll be happier 
> with
> something more solid.
> Seamus

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