[V8] Oh, Damn: a failure

urq urq at pacbell.net
Tue Dec 8 11:20:19 PST 2009

... you don't need to worry about it with a Pius as it can't get where the
V8 will anyway ... 

If you're sure you don't hear the pump, you'll need to start there.  It
might be best to have someone listen near the reservoirs while you pull the
switch.  The pumps are mounted down low, and it can be difficult to hear
them.  If your car doesn't have the belly pan, the electrics may be corroded
from rough winters ... 

I believe the regular and intensive pumps are identical, if the pump is
suspect you may want to swap them.  

In my experience with the T44 and V8Q plumbing problems are most common.
The regular and intensive fluid circuits attach to the washer pipes at
opposite ends of the hood, and there's a check valve at each end to keep
fluid from flowing back into the unused system when you use one.  These
check valves have been almost universally problematic for me.  Recently I've
also seen the black plastic pipe become brittle and break.  

You can test the check valve by removing one (ISTR that the regular washer
attaches at the passenger side of the hood) and putting a splice in and see
if that changes how things work.  

Steve Buchholz

-----Original Message-----

I just drove my V8 on some errands and when I tried to use the windshield
washer, I got....nothing.  

Sigh.  I guess this means that the washer pump is dead, since it makes no
sound.  I haven't checked the circuit or the fuses, but I assume the worst.

It looks like it just pulls out from the top, is that right?  I have never
done one of these before. 

Oh, and my intensive clean thingy has never worked since I have had the car,
and I wonder how that even works....this has never been an issue with any of
my previous Audis, and it pisses me off that it happens now that the snow
and ugly road season has arrived!

Go figure.  I wonder of Piuses have this problem?


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