[V8] Quattro vs Haldex

NIck Miller chance9121 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 17 10:47:37 PST 2009

Right, just ask the 240/AE-86 about welded diffs :-)

I don't have experience with welding a center differential, but I would
assume it would split power to both sets of wheels all the time with out
'differentiation' I suppose.

When you weld a diff on the rear drive axle of a rwd car, both tires are
always kicking and turn the same, regardless.  This makes turning a little
strange, since one wheel should be turning at a different rate.  As
mentioned, this becomes tire scrub instead of power transfer to the inside

Btw, when saying "welding a diff" people actually mean welding the spider
gears, not the actual R&P.  Seen it, boy is that stuff funny.  Also, this
mod is popular with 4-by crowds for rock climbing in Jeeps and Toyotas,
amongst others.

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