[V8] Evil rotten stinky foul nasty vile "gasoline" residue

Mike Arman Armanmik at earthlink.net
Wed Dec 23 11:46:15 PST 2009

Woe, woe is me, I fear I have truly incurred the unforgiving, vengeful wrath of the Audi Gods, big time.

Yea verily I have not driven my V8Q in too long, and now the remaining "fuel" in the tank is pretty 
much described by the subject line above. Except worse. Icky squared. Maybe cubed. Bleagh.

I implore and beseech the true believers amongst us (and you know who you are!), please guide me in 
the path of how in the heck do I clean out the fuel tank without having to take it out of the car? 
(Please don't tell me I have to take it out of the car . . . )

I have a new fuel pump and a new fuel filter (sits just in front of the right rear wheel, not under 
the cowl like in the 5 cyl models), so I am hoping that de-crudding the fuel tank will put me back 
on the road.

The *ONLY* 'good" thing about this is that it isn't snowing here, so I don't have to fight off the 
polar bears and risk freezing to death as I lie on my back under the car as it sheds crud, rust 
flakes, deteriorated undercoating and droplets of PB/Kroil/W-40 into my unworthy eyes.


Best Regards,

Mike Arman

a/k/a "He who hath driven (or in this case NOT driven) up **** creek and is desperately hoping for 
the existence of a virtual paddle."

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