[V8] Evil rotten stinky foul nasty vile "gasoline" residue

Dave Saad dsaad at icehouse.net
Wed Dec 23 14:18:14 PST 2009

I think I would be tempted to siphon out the rotten fuel.  If nothing  
else, it will be faster, and pumping that gunk through the lines  
doesn't seem like a good idea to me. Once the tank is empty, I would  
remove the pump and inspect. It may not be as bad as you think.


On Dec 23, 2009, at 12:46 PM, Mike Arman wrote:

> Woe, woe is me, I fear I have truly incurred the unforgiving,  
> vengeful wrath of the Audi Gods, big time.
> Yea verily I have not driven my V8Q in too long, and now the  
> remaining "fuel" in the tank is pretty
> much described by the subject line above. Except worse. Icky  
> squared. Maybe cubed. Bleagh.
> I implore and beseech the true believers amongst us (and you know  
> who you are!), please guide me in
> the path of how in the heck do I clean out the fuel tank without  
> having to take it out of the car?
> (Please don't tell me I have to take it out of the car . . . )
> I have a new fuel pump and a new fuel filter (sits just in front of  
> the right rear wheel, not under
> the cowl like in the 5 cyl models), so I am hoping that de-crudding  
> the fuel tank will put me back
> on the road.
> The *ONLY* 'good" thing about this is that it isn't snowing here, so  
> I don't have to fight off the
> polar bears and risk freezing to death as I lie on my back under the  
> car as it sheds crud, rust
> flakes, deteriorated undercoating and droplets of PB/Kroil/W-40 into  
> my unworthy eyes.
> Aaaaaarrrrrgggghhhhh!
> Best Regards,
> Mike Arman
> a/k/a "He who hath driven (or in this case NOT driven) up **** creek  
> and is desperately hoping for
> the existence of a virtual paddle."
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