[V8] Black interiors?

Roger Woodbury rmwoodbury at roadrunner.com
Thu Feb 5 15:00:22 PST 2009

Well as it happens I know of a 95 or 96 Avant that has no home.  My wrench
has "inherited" it.  It will need quite a lot of small stuff but is in
pretty decent shape other than some mechanicals that are wear and tear items
that are worn and torn.  This is an excellent candidate for a very
interesting project.

I am taking my wife's 100CS Avant over to pull codes and see which gizzie is
making it hard to start after running a while.  Crank or cam position sensor
most likely.  I'll ask about the fate of the A6 Avant and report back.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Wainwright [mailto:ron_01056 at yahoo.com] 
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 2:31 PM
To: rmwoodbury at roadrunner.com
Cc: 'NIck Miller'; v8 at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [V8] Black interiors?

As uisual I know of such vehicals ;-)

The one Keith T (90 Lago 200 with a 3.6 motor) did that was FS recientley.
The owner Curtis.... who sold it & bought a Titan Grey 90 V8 AUTO... is a
lister now, maybe he'll chime in... Curtis?????

 & a Yellow 90 V8 (obviousley a repaint) that had a 200tqa rear section
grafted on is running around in Colorado somewere.. I think his name is
Brian Bassett?.

 There is a 92 100Q with a 3.6 running around in Minnesota.

 There has all so been a Champaine/Beige one running round somewere for the
longest time with a Ford Taurus rear grafted on.

 If one started such a project the perfect car would have to be a 96-98 A6
with a manual. Then you could turn the car into a //S6+ (plus) I would all
so add eather the front ends from a 92-94 //s4 or the 95-97 US & Canadian
//s6's. That would be... as the kids say.... the SHIZ NIT ;-)



--- On Thu, 2/5/09, Roger Woodbury <rmwoodbury at roadrunner.com> wrote:

> From: Roger Woodbury <rmwoodbury at roadrunner.com>
> Subject: Re: [V8] Black interiors?
> To: "'NIck Miller'" <chance9121 at gmail.com>
> Cc: v8 at audifans.com
> Date: Thursday, February 5, 2009, 2:14 PM
> Actually, I was just funnin' with the comment about a V8
> Avant.  T he thread
> was beaten to death back around the dawn of time, although
> there are some V8
> Avants running around.
> At the end of the day, I doubt that there is a better Audi
> overall than the
> Type 44 20-Valve Avant.  It is very easy to get really big
> power out of that
> engine, and it will run forever even with some significant
> tweaking.  If I
> ever have enough spare change in one pocket at the same
> time I run across
> another fairly decent one, I might try to sneak it into the
> back of the barn
> when my wife isn't looking.  It still is a very good
> looking car IMHO, and
> there is no reason why a brace or three of V8's plus a
> special 20Valve Avant
> isn't the perfect stable.
> But not using New England cars.  They really do suffer
> mightily up here,
> particularly in rural Maine, so I will need to find a car
> that has spent
> most of its time in Oregon, perhaps, or maybe in a sealed,
> heated and
> airconditioned barn someplace..
> Roger
> -----Original Message-----
> From: NIck Miller [mailto:chance9121 at gmail.com] 
> Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 2:01 PM
> To: rmwoodbury at roadrunner.com
> Subject: Re: [V8] Black interiors?
>      I actually liked the Idea of the humidor.  You could
> call your new V8
> "brainstorming central"  as apparently that's
> how you get all your great
> ideas?  People would wonder why you're always in the
> car, I'm sure, but you
> can just tell them your thinking up the next great car
> concept.  Limo tint
> too, right?
>      So, What would it really take to get a V8 into a 200
> 20v/10v Avant?  I
> understand a lot of 20v Avant's become 20v swap fodder,
> so I'm sure there is
> a number of shells availiable in the New England area?  And
> we have people
> with V8's in coupes, 4k's, and etc, and a V8 into a
> 200 lets you deal with a
> similar platform.  Already have seen that the 200 subframe
> and transmission
> can go into a v8 without a ton of difficulty, so maybe it
> is fairly
> feasible.  At least, physically.  No idea what the wiring
> would be like.
> Unless you went megasquirt or 034Efi.
> Me?  I'll stick to getting my V8 running, thank you.
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