[V8] Leaking Steering Pump

bblake1055 at aol.com bblake1055 at aol.com
Sat Feb 7 11:37:51 PST 2009

Well I finally got the new "O" rings for the banjo bolt for the steering pump and found out that it isn't the problem.

The problem is the factory "Plugs" on the pump.? The one right next to the banjo bolt is leaking.? It's looks like about the size of a nickel and has an "X" in the middle.? Is this something that can be fixed or does the pump have to come out and then the plug drilled out?

Anybody see this happen before?


91 V8 - (Waiting on new voltage regulator & Belt to come in)
92 V8 (busted steering pump)
93 V8 (need to get the 20" wheels off it)
93 V8 (Still hanging in there)

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