[V8] Do bad/dirty sensors always throw codes?

qshipq at aol.com qshipq at aol.com
Wed Feb 18 21:59:03 PST 2009


 I agree that a MAF with known good is a best first step.? I remember driving Ingo's 5speed (no codes) and it felt down on power to me.? We swapped in a known good MAF, and the car ran better immediately.? IME with IDL/WOT switches, they either pass the 3ohm resistance test or they don't.? If they pass the test and there is still a code, that's a wiring check ECU>WOT.? 

IME with v8's, they are the weakest on codes vs the performance of the component, from MAF to engine temp sender, to O2.? Makes for tougher diagnostics, but most crappy running v8's I've worked on has a computer happy as a clam code-wise

Scott J


-----Original Message-----
From: urq <urq at pacbell.net>
To: 'Audi V8Q Mailing list' <v8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Wed, 18 Feb 2009 4:32 pm
Subject: Re: [V8] Do bad/dirty sensors always throw codes?

Since you have parts to swap ... one of the first things I'd recommend is
the MAF ... this thing is the heart of the engine management system, and I
know I haven't seen much discussion about failure modes and replacements.
It so happens that #344 has not been in for its smog test because I'm pretty
sure it will fail.  This car gets the same service as #2, but it has always
gotten worse fuel mileage in comparison.  I have looked at the engine temp
reported by the ECU, and it seems to be right.  

To be honest, I would be a bit surprised to hear about TPS issues impacting
5-speeds ... as it is just a couple switches that the ECU reads.  

Steve B
San Jose, CA (USA)

-----Original Message-----

My engine has loped noticeably since I bought it in 1999.  It has never run

Before I bought it, the timing belt broke and the engine was repaired.  The
caliber of workmanship I have found throughout the engine compartment is
horrendous.  This led me to believe that the timing belt repair was equally
poor and I might still have a nicked valve or valve seat or who knows what.

Now I'm starting to rethink this.  The symptoms that Sam is reporting are
very similar.  I have thought about doing some parts swapping, one by one
with my 90 V8q, but have never done so.  It runs very well.  I think I may
make a day of it and start swapping things to see if I find anything.  

I have a cheap code reader and got a code on the 5spd for hall sender or
something.  I guess I could start there...swap the distributor out.  I think
I can use one from a 4.2 car too, right?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: v8-bounces at audifans.com 
> [mailto:v8-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Karl Middlebrooks
> Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 1:22 PM
> To: Audi V8Q Mailing list
> Subject: [V8] Do bad/dirty sensors always throw codes?
> On V8 #2, my starting point was a car that got 10mpg, was as 
> loud as a Harley, little power on acceleration, and it just 
> feels like the engine is missing.
> After working on the exhaust (replaced clogged cats and rusty 
> exhaust pipe), swapping out the FPR, and disconnecting the 
> OXS, among other things, the car now gets 14.3mpg in town and 
> has more power, but it's still not right. Still lopes a 
> little and feels like it's missing on acceleration, though 
> appears to run smoothly once up to speed.
> Only code I've ever gotten is 2341. After disconnecting the 
> OXS, I get 2342 (which sounds like what I should expect with 
> the OXS disconnected).
> Other folks with similar performance problems have 
> replaced/cleaned the MAF and coolant temp sensors, according 
> to the archives. However, I'm not getting codes for either of 
> these. Is it possible that the sensors are contributing to 
> the problem, but not enough to result in a code? 
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