[V8] ACNA Gruppe-q Steamboat Ice Experience 2009 - Event Report
QSHIPQ at aol.com
QSHIPQ at aol.com
Wed Feb 25 08:12:49 PST 2009
Howdy q-heads!
Another sit-down at the confessional already? Alas a solid 3 weeks has
passed since Gruppe-q band of Ice Dancers insurged the Rocky Mountains, and set
up camp in the snow covered Mountains of Steamboat Springs CO. Celebrating my
15th year at this venue, and 7th year as rink choreographer at this fine
venue, the ice was thick, the weather stellar, and the banks unforgiving. We
entertained with a vide variety of Quattros present, from a massively tweeked
ersatz-RS4 to a pristine 4000q, not forgetting the crazy Aussie mustered in
the LT1Q, present and accounted for. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday the
first week of February turned out to be one of our finer episodes of Dancing on
Ice. Per my usual modus, please find the attached report in my usual "Best
of" format.
Best Melodrama: After 7 years as a too distant faction from ACNA, this 20
car max event caused more stir seeking ACNA Sanctioning and Insurance than a
prison break from Gitmo. 4 weeks of strategic chess moves, and counter
insurgencies by snipers at the local RMC Chapter up to the days we presented our
colors and muster papers to Commander Cox at the Steamboat Track Office. As I
piloted our crew thru the gunfire, it reminded me how thankless the ascribed
"Eventmaster" job can be. A lot of carnage left in our wake it would
appear, but mostly from our counter-insurgents own friendly fire and mis-coded
messages. A quick view of the glimmering ice and welcoming handshake brought a
smile, and the thought: 'good luck with all that'.
Best Documentation in abcensia: Thousands of hits on the AW website, JNR
coverage by Paulie et.al. on the S-car list, and fine prose by many friends,
sure violated our normal and customary "fly-low" principle at this venue. In
the end, it would appear our historical march of the quattros couldn't be
better documented by our apposing forces. A salute to our many friends around
the q-net community for the support. Knowing longtime friends are there to
support good clean quattro fun, brings winks and smiles to the sillyness of the
counter-banter and posturing.
Best Friends preventing Failure to Launch: Without question, the words
wisdom and unselfish support of Craig Liechty and the Ohio Valley Region of
ACNA. Many times I was discouraged by the voluminous emails, positions,
paperwork, appeals and approaches during the 4 weeks prior to this event... In the
height of the inferno, an immediate call from a longtime friend, with
unconditional support of our effort, couldn't have been better timed. Above and
beyond Mr. L. Words of appreciation may fail me, but fine and noble acts of
gentleman, are never forgotten. You rock mister!
Best Most Noted in Abscencia: Soon to be father again (admitted and
documented) Chad C, my good friend and fellow skater, we missed you and all the
girls this year. Brendan Mikkola ("Micky") R, the hills were too quiet this
year, and more children wandering freely around town not in the clutches of their
mothers. Not again sir! Robert "ChimChim" D, your LT1Q project was
present, but we do not consider that a proxy attendance. Pitzo minus Evo, not
again!? And a final to draft dodger Nathan E, fear of 034 turbo power is no
excuse, and we had custom printed balloons to mount on your quarter panels, er
airbags I mean.
Best Most Noted Present: A shout out to Lt Riley, for making the longest
trip from the ACNA FL Region, a last minute 'go' that had too many
contingencies attached to it, I got confused even after the excel spreadsheet. Who's
car, what flight, truck from the airport, 200tq, LT1Q... what?!
Best Notable Potable: Flying ace from Aussie, "Snoop-dog" Golledge, and the
often-flogged, never imitated LT1Q. Just when one gets used to the
melodious sounds of I5 WRC imitation wails, the brutal combat ready sounds of a
tweeked corvette engine in full battle dress, gave whiplash to those riding and
those turning to see who got to co-tango with Lucifers horns this time. A fine
show, as usual.
Best Quote of the Week: "Best tell your crew, the snow banks aren't
puffy.... Think of them as guardrails"... Er, yes... Ask Pederson, Bergmann, Dr.
B... Ok, don't ask-dont tell Golledge, he's busy discounting that charge.
Best Insurgents of Insurgents: Mssrs Hackl and Lawson couldn't fester a
quattro between them, so they both drove scoobie-dos. One might think this
deviancy quite ok, except for the fact they own 7 urquattros between them. That
defines heretical behavior, and somewhere I will find the verbiage that calls
for public censorship of those acts. Quite possible that Hackl got a Blago
pre-departure pardon in January, but those documents are sealed at this time.
Best Foreshadow of Events to Come: Turn 2, longtime professional student of
Ice Hockey M. Pederson presenting to his radio-man (me), "oh s*&t"... To
which I calmly replied, "yup" as I reached over to seal the window hatch.
See: snow banks are guardrails... Those 6 seconds quite possibly similar to the
cockpit during the Hudson landing... When we were done, the passenger and
crew member were also fine, and the rescue craft arrived with tow ropes
immediately. Big Dog (F350TD Pickup with plow) a somber reminder that the banks
are not marshmellows this year.
Best Foreshadow of Events to Come Prep: Dr B, another longtime professional
student of Ice Hockey, changing bumper-wear to the "Steamboat Bumper" and
bringing a new roll of black duct tape to mask the obvious. Fine surgical
stitching from a GP.
Best Toy on the Track: M Pederson bringing the coveted and now standard
Hero Digital Motorsports camera. After years of comical shaky video, a quick
attachment of the octopus tenacles of this mount to the windhield, and the
image stabilization is second to none. Tested by yours truly, some great pans of
the camera - by panning the car - in the carousel made for classic footage.
Best Western: 8 wayward cowboys sharing the condo made for some raw jokes
and gave high priority to careful selection of menu choices. A far cry and
noteworthy stark contrast to the excess of Papa Ed's Mountain/Momma's flowers,
white egg omlettes and fine buffets. This on the skinny version wasn't far
off spring break in Lauderdale with snow. This cowboy tent was no place for
women this year, and thankfully for us all, there weren't any.
Best MacGuyver on Track: Aussie silver cross award to Golledge. After
losing Radiator 2 to a fly-by bird injestion, some 4 feet of Napa spagetti later,
the LT1Q was able to fly on Radiator 1 only. Alas, the valkerie attempt at
that sabatoge proved futile, as the LT1Q lost only 2 gallons of the 6 to the
incident, and the guardrails continued to get remolded in the usual flare....
Best Service Off-Track: A relaxed visit at Meadowcreek Tire with WG Giles,
owner Gary B a most gracious host in absencia. For two guys with enough
tools to rebuild a 20vt motor, coffee and donuts waiting on gummy Rsi's was quite
a treat. A great thanks for that consideration Mr. B.
Best Eats: That was pre-track for me, the massive breakfast burro at the
diner down the street from Hackl's 'shop', a gastric delight expressly
forbotten from the Condo menus.
Best Workplace outside the Home: Laddie Hackl's handy car lift in his
garage, surrounded by more spare urq parts than any enthusiast could imagine.
Thankfully for our defacto collector of all lifesize things urq, I only needed
to steal a engine temp sender to plug the leaking power steering pressure
sender. 2nd prize for best MacGuyver on that repair.
Best pseudo-Caffeine Rush: Following Laddie up to the Springs, thinking
twice about the WRC inner headlight delete on the urq, 70-0 brake checks -
twice, for Elk! With backs taller than the roof of a 'jacked' Allroad, no matter
how tall you sit in the seat of a Quattro, you still feel intimidated. It
wasn't so much letting the 4 cross the road, it was the 85 on the other side
Best visit at the Track: Brandon R bringing up his pristine 20vt Urq, just
in case anyone needed spare parts. Unfortunately, he knew better than to
leave his open hood unattended. Riley and myself already computing how much
time we 'really' needed to do that swap in situ without Brandons keys.
Best Sponsorship Sticker application twice removed: Laddie takes on the 4
foot cookie in turn 6, causing the RF Urq fender "lincoln Welding" sticker
carnage to then read something slang and possibly pornographic. Bergmann, with
race stickers up the RR quarter window, covering missing-same. The
frustrating fisheye lense optical illusion created by these applique's expertly
corrected by Gary in turn 10 on day 3. Er, Gary, Lee did have other lenses!
Best Ride of the ex's: Co-exhusband's Lee and myself, dodging incoming scud
missle attacks on our respective cell phones, during spirited track runs.
Thankfully, even with caller ID and urgent text message status, neither of us
took out our respective machines with any vengeful maneuvering amid the
flak-attacks. The pinnacle was coordinated text messages by our respective ex's
when we were in my urq for a ride. Helmets required, breath out, squeeze
trigger... on the radio that is. Full moon?
That's the highlight of it all boys. Another year in the books, and more
laughter and fun than grown men could expect to have. Some notable thanks and
shout-outs too.... Commander Cox, for your patience prior to, the
consideration during, and your sharing the ride as our host. Great venue! Gary B,
fine friends should meet more often, you are not old kind sir, you know that
having fun keeps you young. Peter C, the thought of you and me in the same
town, defines behavioral miscreants, and the quattro world just might get better
because of it. WG, Safety Steward extraordinaire, our ride out as old
ProRally comrades I will never forget, and your work at the track notable for the
root of laughter and fun = safety. Laddie, Registrar/Treasurer... Not sure
how you made this happen in spite of all the obstacles put before us, but
shows a solid team of brothers, can conquer monumental things. Paulie, Ben,
Brandon, Dawson et.al. Thanks for the support and holding the i-fort during our
Steamboat Mission. Many kind and some JNR words I still chuckle reading. So
many years and bonds, make for tough counter-terrorism efforts against us.
Dr. B, even without your hockey skates, your free clinic at the condo was
most enlightening for us kids getting older desparately seeking uuuuthe. To the
wives, the ex's, the girlfriends and the loved ones that support this
addiction unconditionally... Thanks again for allowing us a couple days with the
mistress we call quattro. And finally, a quick shout-out to my late Uncle
Jim who passed suddenly just prior to this Event. One of the true extreme car
guys and motorheads in my life from when I was a wee lad, the roots of all
this fun, couldn't have a better spirit smiling upon it. Heaven is now a much
more engine-friendly place with you in it. Salut!
Until next season my quattro friends, I remain...
Sliding with this years' stars
Scott J
ACNA Gruppe-Q Steamboat Ice Driving Experience
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