[V8] Fan runs when cold...

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Wed Feb 25 22:15:47 PST 2009

I'm betting you get really bad mileage too.  If you're not getting above
70, you probably have a missing or stuck thermostat.  Check the
temperature with a thermometer or infra red reader to make sure the gauge
is correct.   

"God's a kid with an ant farm. He's not planning anything."

NIck Miller <chance9121 at gmail.com> writes:
>        I think I just realized this, but it makes sense.  Anyway, 
> here's the
> deal thus far:  Have a rough idle and run, pretty much always.  It 
> is
> slightly intermittent, with only a brief moment of correct 
> operation
> randomly when I'm driving.  I've replaced the FPR, cleaned my idle 
> stab.
> valve, cleaned the Intake air temp sensor and MAF.  Used brake 
> cleaner then
> WD-40 on the ISV, MAF cleaner on IAT/MAF.  The IAT looks to be in 
> good
> shape, however, I did notice a small piece of the plastic insulation 
> missing
> from just behind the rubber boot , but the wires appear to be sound. 
>  The
> Spark Plugs are new Autolites, the plug wires appear to be in great 
> shape,
> and my ohm readings are odd, but all consistent (likely my meter has 
> a
> problem) and the Cap/rotor's appear to also be in good shape.
>        Ok, so that's the background.  What I just realized, but 
> noticed a
> few times thus far, is that my car doesn't come to operating 
> temperature.
> Highest I've seen it get is about 70*C or so, and that's with an 
> hour
> driving with some of it at 55mph.  I also noticed working on the car 
> tonight
> and testing things, that when I start it up in the ridiculous 
> extreme cold,
> the passenger side (larger of the two, mechanical) fan flips on, 
> then the
> drivers side cylced on as well, and off, etc.  Just thinking maybe I 
> have a
> sensor of some sort bad, not sure.  And I'd guess that the fan 
> sensor and
> engine temp sensor are seperate, but hopefully someone can make a 
> connection
> I'm missing.
>       On top of this, an 02 sensor is on the way, I'm splicing in a 
> 4 wire.
> I also picked up a new Dizzy cap for troubleshooting purposes, just 
> incase
> I'm wrong.

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