[V8] 93 Audi V8 / AT ZF4HP24A

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Sat Jul 11 17:57:36 PDT 2009

In the V8Q's, when the ECU doesn't receive a signal, or receives and out
of range signal,  it backs the timing off 20 degrees and disables the
knock sensors. 

On the 5 cylinder Audi's, the engine won't fire at all with a
bad/disconnected hall sensor, unlike the V8Q, the  5 banger ECU needs the
hall signal to determine #1 cylinder TDC.

I didn't read Dave's statement as saying it wouldn't fire.
I enjoy escargot, but I prefer fast food.

"Tony and Lillie" <tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net> writes:

> But, the thing is, the ECU doesn't need the hall signal to run, at 
> least on the 3.6's. I can't see why they would change it on the 4.2's,

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