[V8] Ron...1 more for your list
diemarthadie at aol.com
diemarthadie at aol.com
Mon Jun 1 11:53:23 PDT 2009
If you do a headliner - WIKI it!
Photos, tips, tools needed, etc... would be very helpful for the next
poor bastard that is going to cover his interior in toxic orange foamy
hmmm, I think my kids had a bowl of that for breakfast.
-----Original Message-----
From: Karl Middlebrooks <benzeenprophet at hotmail.com>
To: v8audi <v8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Mon, 1 Jun 2009 2:10 pm
Subject: Re: [V8] Ron...1 more for your list
Congrats, Tom!
From what I recall, neither the windshield nor the rear window need to
out, just all the pillar trim and the sunroof (someone else may have
done a
headliner without taking the whole sunroof out just to get to the
out). From there it was mostly a matter of prying very gently to loosen
glue and doing some gymnastics to get the thing removed from the car in
But that's as far as I've gotten...getting the thing out. I've never
gotten around to refinishing and reinstalling the headliner.
From: <toml99 at todomundo.com>
Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 12:00 AM
To: "v8audi" <v8 at audifans.com>
Subject: [V8] Ron...1 more for your list
> Well, I did it, and bought myself a birthday present today...the 91
> Midnight Blue(?) 5 speed with 144K....James(seller) worked @ Fat City
> German Auto in seattle and did the timing belt/hydraulic hoses/slave
> cylinder/brakes/fluids/misc seals/caps/rotors.....car's a 9
> (headliner's sagging/loose cargo net for whoever it was that had that
> peeve, making it a 9)...He was firm on his price, and it's the most
> I've ever payed for a car in my life, but I had to have
> it........Who's done a headliner?....does the windshield/rear window
> need to come out?.....Could pull the pristine one out of the pearl
> car, but then it's a parts car, and isn't quite there yet(drove it
> there tonight)....and is slated for sale now, if anyone's in this
> part of the country needs a pearl 93 4.2 that runs/drives great, but
> burns a bit of oil.......Picking up car next week, and will relay the
> full lowdown.....Tom
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