[V8] Clutch overspring Q

Dave Saad dsaad at icehouse.net
Tue Jun 2 12:10:04 PDT 2009

I did mine a long time ago. All I remember for sure was a lot of  
swearing and a really sore back, but it seems I took the pedal off its  
hinge to do it.
I think once you figure out the puzzle, it actually goes in fairly easy.

On Jun 1, 2009, at 10:01 PM, Ingo Rautenberg wrote:

> So I've replaced the clutch pedal and clutch master, but that  
> overspring is giving me a real headache. Looks like I have to figure  
> a way to compress it before installing, and maximum extension is  
> with the clutch pedal fully depressed. Any pointers?
> Otherwise I'll have to rig some steel wire to hold it after  
> compressing with Channel Locks. I tried Zip Ties, but they just  
> couldn't handle the tension.
> Ingo Rautenberg
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