[V8] V8 Crossroads

kneale at knitknacks.com kneale at knitknacks.com
Wed Jun 10 04:22:11 PDT 2009

What, you're looking for V8s?  I have two in the yard I'm thinking about
using in the "cash for clunkers" deal Congress is working on now.

Original Message:
From: toml99 at todomundo.com toml99 at todomundo.com
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2009 21:04:01 -0700
To: v8 at audifans.com
Subject: [V8]  V8 Crossroads

Where are you located Justin.....That would be the crux as it  
were.......I have friend's all over the country, and will look into  
anything as I totally understand the "give it up" Issue,,,,,,,,,I'm  
hauling a boat from Nevada, for a friend, and could pick up if you  
are on the west coast.   Tom
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