[V8] still no kickdown!!!

Peter Littlewood littlepete_19 at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 22 10:58:33 PDT 2009

Hi All


The on going saga of my lazy v8 continues. found the switch on the acclerator cable had fallen apart, so the tcu wasn't getting 12v on pin 41 when the pedal is floored... (replaced cable, lost skin will to live etc) Magic ! 12v on pin 41! 


Put it back together.. test drive... still won't rev past 4800 in "E" or 5200rpm in "S". :-(


I understand the climate control unit comes into play somewhere (disengaging compressor clutch on AC under heavy load) 

I have tried the test on the climate unit on channel 17 and the segment which should light up for the kickdown switch doesn't!


Any info would be great.. 

because i'm totally stumped


Pete Littlewood

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