[V8] A question for the smartest of the gurus out there...

urq urq at pacbell.net
Fri Mar 6 22:07:21 PST 2009

.... were you getting knock sensor codes?  I probably would have left the
part in place ... messing with the wiring might cause failure if the guts
are brittle.  If it were just the wiring I'd say measure the resistance per
the manual and as long as the readings were in spec you would be OK taking
the chance.  The broken housing on the sensor itself is a bit troubling.  If
you were getting codes I'd say you should replace it ... if not, put it back
together as carefully as you can and hope for the best!  There are specific
torque specs on the bolt that attaches the sensor to the block.  

Steve B
San Jose, CA (USA)

-----Original Message-----

I know not just anyone will have the knowledge and experience to answer
this.  I need some input from our top rocket-surgeons.  Should I replace
this knock sensor or is it ok for another 100k miles or so?



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