[V8] A question for the smartest of the gurus out there...

Dave Saad dsaad at icehouse.net
Sat Mar 7 13:41:42 PST 2009

Mine both look like that too.  But I don't get any codes so I am just  
leaving them alone.  If they still work and the actual cable part is  
still intact, you might try some of that universal cable shield that  
is all over new cars.  It is basically a split flexible plastic tube  
that you can insert wire into.
It is pretty cheap too.  Any parts store should have it.  Just be  
careful when inserting your cable into the tube - you will probably  
want to hold the split open with some tool so as not to damage your  
cable while inserting it.

What is it with audi and rubber/plastic parts anyway?  It seems that  
any rubber or plastic part under the hood gets brittle and cracks.
I have never noticed that on any other car I have owned - even when  
they get old.


On Mar 7, 2009, at 6:45 AM, Ingo Rautenberg wrote:

> I would likely replace it. If it still ohms out ok, I would (at the  
> very least) wrap the areas with broken black insulation wire with  
> self-fusing electrical tape (not that vinyl stuff).  It's the stuff  
> with the clear plastic between the layers on the roll (to prevent  
> fusing until use).
> I've used that successfully where the lack of insulating sheath  
> likely lead to grounding of sorts of the knock sensor wire and  
> substantial power reduction on the V8 I picked up in California  
> years ago.
> Also great for temporary repairs of boost hoses and coolant hose  
> leaks.
> Just my $0.02
> ------Original Message------
> From: Seamus O'Carey
> Sender: v8-bounces at audifans.com
> To: V8List Fans
> Subject: [V8] A question for the smartest of the gurus out there...
> Sent: Mar 6, 2009 9:31 PM
> I know not just anyone will have the knowledge and experience to  
> answer
> this.  I need some input from our top rocket-surgeons.  Should I  
> replace
> this knock sensor or is it ok for another 100k miles or so?
> http://home.comcast.net/~lordseamus/AudiV8/knocksensor01.jpg
> http://home.comcast.net/~lordseamus/AudiV8/knocksensor02.jpg
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> Ingo Rautenberg
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