[V8] non-ABS conversion?

qshipq at aol.com qshipq at aol.com
Tue Mar 10 10:58:50 PDT 2009

 The ABS systems on Motorcycles seems quite a different ball game to me.? The biggest issue with motorcycle ABS is the "linked" nature of the systems (front and rear brakes must be operated in unison in the software) and the nature of front/rear balance being a control factor not well suited to software programming.? The best part of the v8 system is it's simplicity,? a pending lockup independent front, and a select-low principle rear system.? This allows for larger brakes to be fitted without a need to change the baseline algorithyms in the software.? The latest and greatest ABS systems (Audi since 1997) are specific to vehicle, the most recent years, specific to options on the vehicle (tires, wheels, options, weight, etc).? 

ABS software is not sophisticated enough to be the best system in 'all' situations in automobiles, motorcycles is another set of control variables.? But again, high performance drivers can 'choose' to turn off a system in the v8, and the very next time the car starts, it defaults to on.? Conscious choice to be on your A-game - that's a great feature Audi gave the driver.? However, even the best drivers of cars and bikes find much of their driving in a B-game or less world around them, and the advantage of the ABS increases exponentially in that real world.

Exceptions so noted.? And bikes included in the A vs </=B game.

Scott J
'92 v8 4.2 ABT chip ABS
'85 Yamaha FJ1400 big block (no abs - antidive functioning)



-----Original Message-----
From: S_Matus <scott_matus at yahoo.com>
To: V8 <v8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 11:47 am
Subject: [V8]  non-ABS conversion?

ABS systems are removed in German vehicles all the time!
Actually motorcycles.

There are numerous people removing the ABS system on BMW Motorcycles.  

Old School riders refuse to have ABS controlling their safety!


--------- Original ---------

Message: 3
Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 09:25:23 -0600
From: "Ed Kellock" <ekellock at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [V8] non-ABS conversion?
To: "'V8'" <v8 at audifans.com>
Message-ID: <D27EEC06326D4D12AC8CCE9BBF6E0A39 at Boonieslap>
Content-Type: text/plain;    charset="us-ascii"

I've been reading all of this and really can't see why anyone would want to
bother with removal of this system.  I was thinking there can't be much
weight savings which was confirmed by another lister and with all the
components and the fabrication that would likely be necessary to replace
parts removed, it just seems like a waste of time overall, regardless of
whatever perceived/realized outcome is achieved.

I'd say your time and money would be better spent in other areas.  In nearly
15 years of ABS-equipped Audi ownership of eight different vehicles, I think
I've spent an hour doing and actual ABS related trouble shooting and repair.



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