[V8] My little city is going under....

Ingo Rautenberg ingo.rautenberg at gmail.com
Thu Mar 26 12:07:10 PDT 2009

Our thoughts are with you, Nick.

Good luck.

On Mar 26, 2009, at 12:22 AM, NIck Miller wrote:

> This is a bit unrelated to anything Audi, but maybe a few people  
> have noted,
> or heard that I am one of the few owners in the central plains.   
> There are
> Audi's out here, but they don't have a very large following like  
> one would
> expect for the ridiculous winters we have in North Dakota.
> Well, anyway,  Right now this city of Fargo is taking a pretty wicked
> beating.  We are taking on a pretty nasty flood right now,  
> supposedly going
> to be the worst ever recorded, including the record breaking 1997  
> flood that
> made some big headlines.  We had this one creep on us pretty  
> quickly.  Been
> moving fast, but we've made about 2million sandbags in the last 5  
> days.  The
> bummer now, is that today we had a blizzard.  about 6-9 inches of snow
> depending on the area.  This is adding a very small amount to the  
> melt, but
> we are really having trouble building higher with the horrible weather
> conditions.  Either way, it was 50 degrees yesterday around 3.  Its  
> rough.
> Anyway, I'm betting you've heard a bit on the national headlines,  
> but here
> is a New York times article.  Anyway, I think the Audi should be  
> safe, don't
> expect to see an 8 floating on the headlines of cnn :-)
> http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/26/us/26flood.html?hpw
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