[V8] Interesting papers - FISA homologation

diemarthadie at aol.com diemarthadie at aol.com
Mon May 11 14:09:27 PDT 2009

So, I'm not really sure if these are rare, obscure, odd or just cool.

I've got the 1990 V8 FISA Group A/B homologation papers (eBay find a 
long time ago) which appear to be approved copies (stamped, perf'd and 
ink signed) showing all the parts modified for racing 
homologation...including the German (DMSB) group stamps.

I was thinking I should send them to someone that could scan for the 
Wiki...  I have a scanner but it sucks.

I forget what I paid for them, no doubt too much, but I'd be willing to 
pass them on to someone that would guarantee their inclusion in the 
Wiki so that others could access them.  It shows diagrams of the rear 
spoiler and other various internals including pix and diagrams of the 
race cylinder head.  Some of it's in German, most of it with English in 
tiny type underneath.  It has a lot of photos and is pretty 
fascinating.  Like the electrically adjustable rear bar, remote adjust 
shocks, etc... it includes the submittal extensions and modifications 
for '91 and '92 race seasons...

I'm kind of at a loss as to what to do with it.  It's really cool, but 
I'd love to see it on the Wiki where others could view and comment.


Of course, if you just want to toss me a massive amount of Euros, I 
guess I'd turn it over privately ;)  But that's not what this is about, 
I really think it would be useful on the Wiki...


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