[V8] Fw: Climate Control troubles (again)

Dave Saad dsaad at icehouse.net
Mon May 11 16:55:10 PDT 2009

It has been years since I had to mess with this system, but I would  
have sworn that code 07 was bogus.  There is a code (0?) that comes up  
concerning a temperature sensor I think, that is not installed until  
later model years.
Anyway, based on your symptoms and the fault code, it looks like your  
electric motor for the hot/cold air blend flap is stuck or dead.  This  
part is under the rain shield in the engine compartment.  It is not  
all that hard to replace, and the part is common enough to be found at  
a good auto parts store.

There is a built in diagnostic mode where you can make the flap move.   
That should prove it to you.


On May 11, 2009, at 3:34 PM, Dag Bøsterud wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Dag Bøsterud
> To: quattro at audifans.com
> Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 6:13 PM
> Subject: Climate Control troubles (again)
> As I've stated in earlier mails to this mailing list, I have some  
> rather strange misbehavior in the electronic climate control (ECC)  
> of my
> 1990 Audi 100 TQ Sport.
> The problem is as follows:
> - The ECC is very fond of blowing hot air, also through the centre  
> vents.
> - A few times I haven't been able to regulate the temperature at  
> all! The digits on the display have gone all the way from LO to HI,
> but no change in temperature.
> - A couple of times I have had to set the ECC to 28-29 C or HI to  
> get any hot air out of it at all.
> Until a couple of days ago I haven't been able to get any fault  
> codes out of the system. The system just didn't report any fault  
> codes.
> I sure know how to get them out.
> The fault codes (on channel 01) are as follows:
> 07 - Motor for positioning heater flaps in programmer NOT OK
> 15 - High pressure sensor - short circuit
> The strange thing is that the fault code indicator lamp doesn't  
> always light up when I start the engine,
> and If I'm not quick of the mark and read them when it lights up I  
> get no fault codes... I find that strange.
> ..but then again, I don't know all that much about these things :p
> Anyhow, fault code 07 appears to be the culprit to my temperature  
> regulating problems.
> Fault code 15, is that a "wear and tear" thing to the sensor/switch,  
> it is malfunctioning?
> Or could it be the wiring?
> /Dag
> 1990 Audi 100 Turbo Quattro Sport Exklusiv
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