[V8] Stuck Accel?

Dave Saad dsaad at icehouse.net
Thu May 14 20:42:07 PDT 2009

I would be tempted to give the linkage a good inspection - and oil/ 
grease where possible.  I think the automatics are a little different  
than the manuals, but both have a stud bearing type thing up near the  
throttle plates (at the front of the motor, under the manifold)  that  
can get sticky. I had a road pebble take that one in a billion bounce  
and land right where it could jam the linkage.  In my case it would  
not let me open the throttle but it could have gone the other way  
too.  These cars are getting old enough now that it is worthwhile to  
pay attention to the seemingly little problems.

One other note - WD40 is really a better solvent than oil (it has a  
lot of alcohol in it). It will dry out quickly.  Oil or grease is  
probably a better choice.


On May 14, 2009, at 9:27 PM, cobram at juno.com wrote:

> Has your car had the Cruise Control bushing recall done?
> http://www.geocities.com/cobramsri/
> "God's a kid with an ant farm. He's not planning anything."
> <info at speakoutpro.com> writes:
>> OK, this goes back to the SADA days (Sudden AUDI Death by
>> Acceleration).
>> My 1990 V8, from time to time, sees the accelerator pedal not return
>> to its
>> normal quiescent state and gets stuck with RPMs higher than they
>> should be.
>> I revolt by giving the accel pedal a quick stomp and it returns to
>> normal.
>> Is there some place in the chain of cables, linkages, bearings, etc.
>> that I
>> can spray anti-SADA (WD-40) and be done with it for a year or two?
>> Or should I do nothing and call 60 Minutes?
>> Brad
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