[V8] Stuck Accel?

diemarthadie at aol.com diemarthadie at aol.com
Fri May 15 09:49:10 PDT 2009

Yep - BTDT - I put a detailed R&R in the Wiki about pulling the 
Throttle Body and lubricating everything - even took photos!


First check to make sure that the cruise control linkage in the rear of 
the engine is not binding.  I removed mine entirely to prove that it 
wasn't the culprit.

There is a rod running through the hollow under the manifold that has a 
bearing up at the front of the engine and also one at the rear.  You'll 
want to hit both areas and work them back and forth to make sure the 
lubricant is well worked in.  I did not end up replacing the bearing 
race at the front of the engine, but if you need to ask Scott Philips 
for the details on it since I got the model info from Radek and sent my 
parts and info to Scott (who now has my V8Q) a couple of days ago.

There is some question as to the best lubricant for this.  I soaked 
everything in PB Blaster to clean it and worked it all smooth.  Working 
it back and forth was a chore until it finally moved smoothly.  I hit 
it with some LPS silicone spray after letting all the PB dry for a day. 
 Seemed to be great after that.

Also a good opportunity to clean out the ISV and Throttle Body as part 
of the R&R.


-----Original Message-----
From: info at speakoutpro.com
To: v8 at audifans.com
Sent: Thu, 14 May 2009 11:02 pm
Subject: [V8] Stuck Accel?

OK, this goes back to the SADA days (Sudden AUDI Death by Acceleration).

My 1990 V8, from time to time, sees the accelerator pedal not return to 
normal quiescent state and gets stuck with RPMs higher than they should 
I revolt by giving the accel pedal a quick stomp and it returns to 
Is there some place in the chain of cables, linkages, bearings, etc. 
that I
can spray anti-SADA (WD-40) and be done with it for a year or two?

Or should I do nothing and call 60 Minutes?


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